Tip from head professional Bill Penny for golfing Camrose

by Nowell Berg
Photo of golf professional Bill Penny
Bill Penny, golf professional at the Camrose Golf Course — Photo courtesy Bill Penny

Specifically for the Camrose course, Penny said, “Don't be fooled by the score card.” The short yardage of the course misleads golfers into trying to blast the ball around the course. Penny sadi, “Do not try to over­power the short par 4—play smart golf and you'll be rewarded.”

As for the fast greens at Camrose, Penny recommends trying not to place the ball above the hole. The down slope and green speed can cause the ball to roll past the cup.

For average golfers on their home course, Penny suggests, “Keep the ball in play off the tee shot and that sets up your whole hole.” Trying to over­power the tee shot can find your ball landing in the rough or out of play, which reduces your chances of shooting par.

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